How to boost employee engagement in low budget


Every organization wants to effectively engage its employees. With firms already spending on freebies like free transportation, in-house meals, weekend bashes; festival gifts; they all come at a cost. So can employee satisfaction levels be increased, without spending much?

Well yes, have a look at these low cost tactics.

1. Immediate Recognition

A good job done can be immediately appreciated. A thoughtful handwritten note or a bouquet of flowers can do wonders to work satisfaction. No wonder that Mac’Donald outlets are full of appreciation boards and photographs of ‘star performers’.  A round of thunderous applause from the entire department or a note on the bulletin board definitely adds up to the self-esteem of employees.

2. Offer regular incentives.

Incentives need not be always of monetary remuneration. Employees can be offered a week of free parking or even work from home for a day, as incentives. Weekly targets and goals can thus become fun instead of a dreary schedule.

3. Have a weekly feedback day

One can have a weekly ‘Buck stops here’ activity every week. There could be a box where employees can anonymously give their feedback on projects, seniors, colleagues et al. Imagine the satisfaction of employee engagement on having a vent to their opinions. However, the management should take cognizance of the opinions to ensure that the seriousness of the activity is not eroded. 

4. Keep up the banter.

Apprise your employees on industry trends and latest technologies. Creating an open forum is the best mode of forging a close bond. Instead of just badgering on targets and goals, it makes sense in talking about competition, and methods to upgrade knowledge. Firms can even suggest courses to employees to enhance their work skills.

5. Clarify internal growth opportunities

If employees are clear on what they can aspire for, then employee engagement levels would increase automatically. Merely appraisals and promotions are not growth opportunities. They should be in terms of work quality, acquiring new skill sets, and keeping pace with industry trends.In short, how an employee can grow in terms of a professional in a given industry.
