What to expect for 2020

Employee Engagement Activities in Delhi 

It is indeed true that your external customers will be satisfied only if your internal customers are happy. With the rapidly changing market dynamics, the workforce needs to be updated at a blistering pace too. Gone are those days where employee experience was limited to timely working hours and once a while taking them out for a family picnic or company offsite. With the increasing level of workplace stress and real-time pressure, employees deserve a better experience in terms of employee engagement to cope with the high paced market requirement.
Mentioned below are few trends that every manager should expect in 2020 to keep their employees highly engaged in the workplace.

Increase in Perks and Non-Monetary Benefits

With the changing social norms, lifestyle and standard of living, employees are now seeking for an experience at work and not just a mundane job. Flexible working hours, compressed work schedules, telecommuting, paternity leaves, wellness services, international trips which were once viewed as exotic, are now becoming trending.

Increase in work agility

With the rapidly changing technology and the existence of complex projects, organizations are now moving towards agile work culture, methods, and practices. Unlike the past, workspace is getting redesigned to encourage collaboration, projects getting fragmented into teams and sub-teams, staying highly engaged with the customers throughout the process instead of giving them the end product.

Increase participation in CSR activities

Nowadays, employees are not just demanding for their welfare, but they want to actively and voluntarily look into society’s welfare as well. Increasing the number of CSR activities and letting employees make a difference to the society, is not just trending, but also most requested engagement.
Employee Engagement activities have now taken a different face altogether. Keeping the employees happy will not just benefit them, but the company as a whole.


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