Top 5 Benefits of employee engagement Agency in Delhi

If you an HR professional, or comprise the senior echelons of your organization, chances are that every the meeting, conference, conversation; inevitably veers around employee engagement.
So, is this a magic potion that can cure all maladies and throw open the doors to profitability and turnover?
Well, there is no research to guarantee profitability, but yes now research has definitely substantiated that employee engagement Agency in Delhi can lead to the below benefits for an organization. These are based on a recent survey and study done by Kansas University, USA.

1. Healthier employees
Organizations making an effort to stay engaged with their workforce, end up encouraging their employees to take due care of their health. Policies like flexible work schedules, options of a healthy diet and fresh fruits and veggies in canteens, activities like races and marathons, in the house or sponsored gymnasium benefits, all leads to healthy employees.
2. Happier Employees
Workplaces that stay away from high-stress behaviors and pressures towards employees create a happy and motivational workplace. employee engagement Agency in Delhi recognition, one-on-one meetings, 360-degree feedbacks creates happier employees with a drive towards performance.
The American Psychological Association estimates that more than $500 billion is lost every year by the USA due to workplace stress.
3. Better Home Life
According to the Kansas study researcher, Satoris Culbertson:
“individuals who were engaged in positive experiences at work and who shared those experiences with significant others perceived themselves as better able to deal with issues at home, become better companions, and become more effective overall in the home environment.”
In other words, employee engagement agencies in Delhi have a better work-life balance’  and contribute to a positive home atmosphere. 
4. Lower Absenteeism
As per the study, engaged employees have lower absenteeism by over 41%.  This is because engaged employees are more careful towards the success of the team and make more efforts to complete the tasks at hand.
5. Better Customer Service
In this digital era of online shopping and other self-help applications, the thin human interface of customer service has become more important than ever.  Engaged employees are more likely to offer better customer care services. Seven out of ten consumers will spend 13% more money with a company that provides excellent customer experience, leading to higher sales.
Hence, it’s not without reason that the employee engagement Agency in Delhi -Profit Chain is being buzzed at, as engaged employees start a chain reaction that truly reflects the bottom-line.
Engaged employeeà better customer service, higher productivity, better qualityàincreased salesàhigher profits.


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