
Looking for forging team spirit? Try these simple team building activities

Any organization, irrespective of scale and brand, needs one essential component: Team work. While it takes effort to form a formidable team; it is equally difficult keep the team spirit going. Many times ridiculously simple team building activities can lead to good results. A prominent media company in Delhi was facing issues despite having a brilliant team. That’s when the Head of Sales, decided to do some team building activities in Delhi . The catch was however not letting out the underlying objective of these team building activities. One morning, all the team members in Delhi got an email about a weekend trip to a resort. The team building activities started with division into sub teams mainly comprising of individuals who had issues with each other. The carrot was the announcement by the CEO that the winning team would get a special incentive. Mystery Box : In the first activity each team was given a set of clues and they had to crack them to locate the Mystery b

Employee Engagement agency in Delhi - an Important Part of Office Life

We live in the 21st century, where we use technology in every stage. Technology has given many things in our daily life. Simultaneously it takes out the most precious thing from our life, that its time. IT people are so busy in their work life they cannot devote their time for family, friends even not for themselves too. As a result, gradually they get bored and get frustrated and cannot perform well in the office. Here employee engagement plays a vital role to improve their performance. Purpose of employee engagement activities People who cannot take stress often get depressed. Due to office stress, their performance rate goes down. As a result, some change their job. So to make them satisfied every company organizes Employee Engagement agency in Delhi for employees. Employee satisfaction is the primary motto of every company. It has proven that through this activity the company was able to reduced employees turnover, employees improve their performance, their productivity

Strategy Behind Effective Employer Branding And Communication

If any organization uses communication and branding strategy that is not effective then the overall performance in that organization is also poor. Most employees in present time like to enjoy at the work place. Employers need to rethink of implementing strategies that can help develop employee personal skills. Strategic employer branding and communications offers an opportunity to grow your internal position within your organization. Points to consider implementing new strategy 1. Evaluation of current reputation It is obvious that in present time, process of re branding can be difficult task. For employers, it may never be easy to guess what your recruits feel about you. This is the right time to implement employer branding and communications techniques. Get stared by focusing on insights of your staff’s perception. Polls and anonymous surveys can offer with best results. 2.          Nurturing and getting familiar with industry culture It is important for you


Usually, employee engagement is equated with kicking away work blues. But this is a short sighted definition. If employees are happy to report to work, then does it mean they are effectively engaged? Not really.  When employees are deeply connected with the goals and objectives of their organization, and are willing to undertake the initiative to deliver more than the allocated job responsibilities; it is then that employees are truly engaged. No wonder then that Kevin Kruse from defines  employee engagement as,“the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals.” Ina city like Delhi, where the weather is extreme and stress levels are high,organizations need to think at a micro level rather than simply focusing on the macro happiness quotient. So without any further ado, let’s get into the top five ways for effective employee engagement. 1. Profess and Practice Transparency It’s always advantageous if the management is transparent w

Employee Engagement agency in Delhi - an Important Part of Office Life

We live in the 21st century, where we use technology in every stage. Technology has given many things in our daily life. Simultaneously it takes out the most precious thing from our life, that its time. IT people are so busy in their work life they cannot devote their time for family, friends even not for themselves too. As a result, gradually they get bored and get frustrated and cannot perform well in the office. Here employee engagement plays a vital role to improve their performance. Purpose of employee engagement activities People who cannot take stress often get depressed. Due to office stress, their performance rate goes down. As a result, some change their job. So to make them satisfied every company organizes Employee Engagement agency in Delhi for employees. Employee satisfaction is the primary motto of every company. It has proven that through this activity the company was able to reduced employees turnover, employees improve their performance, their productivity

Strategy Behind Effective Employer Branding And Communication

If any organization uses communication and branding strategy that is not effective then the overall performance in that organization is also poor. Most employees in present time like to enjoy at the work place. Employers need to rethink of implementing strategies that can help develop employee personal skills. Strategic employer branding and communications offers an opportunity to grow your internal position within your organization. Points to consider implementing new strategy 1. Evaluation of current reputation It is obvious that in present time, process of re branding can be difficult task. For employers, it may never be easy to guess what your recruits feel about you. This is the right time to implement employer branding and communications techniques. Get stared by focusing on insights of your staff’s perception. Polls and anonymous surveys can offer with best results. 2.          Nurturing and getting familiar with industry culture It is important for you

Employee Engagement agency in Delhi - an Important Part of Office Life

We live in the 21st century, where we use technology in every stage. Technology has given many things in our daily life. Simultaneously it takes out the most precious thing from our life, that its time. IT people are so busy in their work life they cannot devote their time for family, friends even not for themselves too. As a result, gradually they get bored and get frustrated and cannot perform well in the office. Here employee engagement plays a vital role to improve their performance. Purpose of employee engagement activities People who cannot take stress often get depressed. Due to office stress, their performance rate goes down. As a result, some change their job. So to make them satisfied every company organizes Employee Engagement agency in Delhi for employees. Employee satisfaction is the primary motto of every company. It has proven that through this activity the company was able to reduced employees turnover, employees improve their performance, their productivity